YCN Awards

Art Fund_ 

Create a campaign that can drive sales of the Student Art Pass amongst university students in autumn 2018. 

We need to convince students – not just art students – that visiting museums and galleries can help them step out of their daily lives and get a new perspective on the world. For some, it might be about inspiration for their studies. For others, museums and galleries can offer a chance to relax and reset. 
The annual pass offers them access to a huge variety of art throughout the UK, for just £5. The campaign will appear in university media and online, in autumn 2018. There is a relatively limited media budget, so we’re looking for a distinctive campaign that can stand out from the freshers’ week clutter. 

To answer this brief I decided to focus on how art galleries and museums are a peaceful space for students to go think and to be inspired, using videos and posters. Keeping all of the work simple and clean and full of 'space'.
YCN - Art Fund

YCN - Art Fund

Brief set by Art Fund through YCN awards to create a campaign that can drive sales of the Student Art Pass amongst university students in autumn Read More
